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The Coolest Butter Knife Ever: 3D Printed Hollow Form Object

  3D Printed Hollow Form Object: This project served as a way for students to become more familiar with 3D printers, and to watch their designs in rhino translate into real world objects. Pt.1 : Concept Generation     After a while of trying to come up with some shapes and forms on paper, I began to realize that I enjoyed shapes that had lots of sharp ends, I thought for a bit about what I could do with these forms but of course I wanted to see what it would look like in rhino before making any final decisions.  First sketch, mostly just playing around with triangles as the main theme This Second sketch combines the first drawing into a new circular base After considering all of the triangles and pointed objects, I decided I wanted to formulate an object that only had rounded edges.  Pt. 2: Rhino 1/2     Once I decided that I was done  reviewing some of my designs I wanted to see what they would look like in the program, along with other shapes th...

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